How to pronounce 到黑 in Cantonese (4 out of 4):

Previous Example Example 4 of 4
Don't drive into the dark for a day.

Cantonese Sentence Breakdown

唔使 m4 sai2
(phrase) no need to; do not need something; it's unnecessary
一日 jat1 jat6
(n.) a day or one day; (slang) used as part of a prepositional phrase (一日都係) to blame someone (or something or 'a reason') for some negative things that have happened, all because of; owing to; thanks to (e.g. 一日都係你 means "It's all because of you" or "Thanks to you".)
war chariot
name of a chess piece in Chinese chess
到黑 dou3 hak1
until dark
Previous Example Example 4 of 4