How to pronounce 午餐肉 in Cantonese (3 out of 8):

例 如 啲 午 餐 肉 呀 薯 片 呀 嗰 啲 呢 即 係

Cantonese Sentence Breakdown

例如 lai6 jyu4
for example
only a little bit
午餐肉 ng5 caan1 juk6
spam; luncheon meat
(particle equivalent to 啊 after a vowel, expressing surprise or doubt)
薯片 syu4 pin2
potato chips
嗰啲 go2 di1
(pronoun) those
即係 zik1 hai6
(adverb) same as; exactly as; equivalent to; 'which means' or 'which is to say', usually used before explanations