How to pronounce 又想 in Cantonese (27 out of 54):

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What other toy would you like to find?

Cantonese Sentence Breakdown

you (informal, as opposed to courteous 您nín [您])
can be used to refer to an unspecified person
又想 yau6 soeng2
also think
to go
to go to (a place)
to cause to go or send (sb)
(when used either before or after a verb) to go in order to do sth
to be apart from in space or time
(after a verb of motion indicates movement away from the speaker)
(used after certain verbs to indicate detachment or separation)
(of a time or an event etc) just passed or elapsed
(verb) Search;
甚麼 sam6 mo1
玩具 waan2 geoi6
(particle equivalent to 啊 after a vowel, expressing surprise or doubt)
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