Cantonese Sentence Breakdown
classifier for houses or buildings
ridgepole (old)
one thousand
to fall or drop
(of the sun) to set
(of a tide) to go out
to lower
to decline or sink
to lag or fall behind
to fall onto
to rest with
to get or receive
to write down
to deliver
to put in
baseline (sports)
(Cant.) plural for pronouns
so (Cantonese)
Mandarin equivalent: 这样zhèyàng [这样], like this
to receive
to accept
to collect
to put away
to restrain
to stop
in care of (used on address line after name)
to harvest
to regain
to take something back
to gather
to build an affiliation with someone such as to adopt
to take in
to hide
to retract
to punish
to contain
to end
to retrieve
writing brush
to write or compose
the strokes of Chinese characters
classifier for sums of money, deals M: 支zhī [支]
枝zhī [枝]
style of writing
to do something in writing