How to pronounce 否決 in Cantonese (2 out of 6):

Is it because the people rejected the reform plan last year?

Cantonese Sentence Breakdown

係咪 hai6 mai6
used in asking questions in conversations, similar to saying "is it ….?"; "Isn't it?"
"Yes or no?"
就係 zau6 hai6
it is; exactly
泛民 faan3 man4
上年 soeng5 nin4
last year
否決 fau2 kyut3
Cantonese particle equivalent to 了le [了] or 过guò [过], a particle used to indicate perfective aspect for continuous state
completed actions
past events
change of situation
政改 zing3 goi2
political reform
方案 fong1 on3
(noun) 1. Method; 2. Scheme
(particle equivalent to 啊 after a vowel, expressing surprise or doubt)