How to pronounce 吹噓 in Cantonese (4 out of 4):

Previous Example Example 4 of 4
結果人人車大炮, 吹噓自己點樣多產

Cantonese Sentence Breakdown

結果 git3 gwo2
(noun) 1. consequence; 2. result
人人 jan4 jan4
車大炮 ce1 daai6 paau3
(v.) to brag about something that may not be true; to lie about something, usually by exaggeration.
吹噓 ceoi1 seo1
自己 zi6 gei3
點樣 dim2 joeng2
(question)(phrase) what's with it?; what's up? ; how's it like?; how?; what is it like?
多產 do1 caan2
Previous Example Example 4 of 4