Cantonese Sentence Breakdown
you (informal, as opposed to courteous 您nín [您])
can be used to refer to an unspecified person
to look down upon (classical)
to see
to look at (Cantonese)
Mandarin equivalent: 看kàn [看]
to glance at
to stare at
to look after
to take care of
to consider
to believe
to watch
to read
to check
to find out
to judge
to bring up opinions
to keep an eye on
to monitor
to pay a visit
to support
to turn over
to flip over
to overturn
to rummage through
to translate
to decode
to double
to climb over or into
to cross
to upset
to capsize
to turn around
to rip off and repair
to innovate
to fall out
to multiply
an alternative version to返, to return
those (Cantonese)
Mandarin equivalent: 那nà [那]
thin piece
a slice
to slice
to carve thin
classifier for slices, tablets, tract of land, area of water
classifier for CDs, movies, DVDs etc
used with numeral 一yī [一]: classifier for scenario, scene, feeling, atmosphere, sound etc
to pare
KangXi radical number 91
phonetic ga (used in rendering Tibetan and Mongolian sounds)
Tibetan Ge: language of Buddha
(dialect) final particle similar to 了le [了] (esp. in Yunnan)
“now”, with an connotation of doubt