How to pronounce 地下 in Cantonese (56 out of 192):

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Now we're looking for those that fall.

Cantonese Sentence Breakdown

而家 ji4 gaa1
(adverb) right now; now; this moment
就係 zau6 hai6
it is; exactly
to execute (a plan)
to grasp
father's friends
to hold
to keep to
to persist
to coduct
to take charge of
to stick to
written acknowledgement
to catch
an intimate friend
to pick up
to pack up
to tidy up
to clean up
to correct
to revise
to close down
to go out of business
to beat up
to physically assault
to have sex with
to go bankrupt
嗰啲 go2 di1
(pronoun) those
跌落嚟 dit3 lok6 lai4
fall down
地下 dei6 haa6
(noun) 1. ground floor; 2. Ground
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