How to pronounce 大舉進攻 in Cantonese (1 out of 1):

Example 1 of 1
政局不穩, 反抗軍又大舉進攻
Political instability, the resistance, and the military are making a massive offensive.

Cantonese Sentence Breakdown

政局 zing3 guk6
political situation
不穩 bat1 wan2
反抗軍 faan3 kong3 gwan1
(once) again
both... and...
and yet
(used for emphasis) anyway
and (used in the context when talking about fractions)
in adddition
大舉進攻 daai6 geoi2 zeon3 gung1
to attack massively; to enter massively; to advance on a large scale
Example 1 of 1