How to pronounce 奴隸主 in Cantonese (2 out of 6):

Archaeologists have unearthed the ruins of the slave trade.

Cantonese Sentence Breakdown

考古學家 haau2 gu2 hok6 gaa1
(located) at
(to be) in
to exist
in the middle of doing sth
(indicating an action in progress)
to depend on
to rest with
to be alive
殷墟 jan1 heoi2
ruins of Yin
發掘 faat3 gwat6
to excavate
to (a place)
until (a time)
up to
to go
to arrive
(verb complement denoting completion or result of an action)
been to
a particle used after a verb or adjective to indicate degree
殷商 jan1 soeng1
Shang dynasty
奴隸主 no6 loi4 zyu2
slave owner