How to pronounce 富有 in Cantonese (15 out of 15):

Previous Example Example 15 of 15
你當然可以了, 你這麼富有
You can, of course. You're so rich.

Cantonese Sentence Breakdown

you (informal, as opposed to courteous 您nín [您])
can be used to refer to an unspecified person
當然 dong1 jin4
(adverb) absolutely
可以 ho2 ji5
(adjective) so so
(modal particle intensifying preceding clause)
(completed action marker)
to finish
to end
to settle
a final particle indicating change of situation to understand
a verb particle indicating possibility
to put in
to take away
to escape
flee in secret
這麼 ze2 mo1
富有 fu3 jau5
Previous Example Example 15 of 15