How to pronounce 對比 in Cantonese (82 out of 160):

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That's the opposite.

Cantonese Sentence Breakdown

即係 zik1 hai6
(adverb) same as; exactly as; equivalent to; 'which means' or 'which is to say', usually used before explanations
對比 deoi3 bei2
(verb) Compare with
to rise
to raise
to get up
to set out
to start
to appear
to launch
to initiate (action)
to draft
to establish
to get (from a depot or counter)
verb suffix, to start
(before place or time) starting from
classifier for occurrences or unpredictable events: case, instance
classifier for groups: batch, group
to stand up
to go up
to happen
to take place
to uncover
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