How to pronounce 差價 in Cantonese (3 out of 3):

Previous Example Example 3 of 3
The lower the price, the lower the price.

Cantonese Sentence Breakdown

to exceed
to climb over
to surpass
the more... the more
superior in
to go beyond
to propagate
to attain
to reach
to plunder
name of an ancient state
name of a place
abbreviation for Vietnam
young master
used as part of terms for military ranks
1. (possessive particle, literary equivalent of 的de [的]), ‘s 2. him 3. her 4. it 5. subordinate particle 6. this 7. that 8. these 9. those 10. to go to 11. an expletive in a phrase or a sentence with no particular meaning 12. (of road) branch
差價 caa1 gaa3
difference in price
Previous Example Example 3 of 3