Cantonese Sentence Breakdown
(adjective) to have spare time; to be free; to be available; to be at leisure
to look down upon (classical)
to see
to look at (Cantonese)
Mandarin equivalent: 看kàn [看]
to glance at
to stare at
to look after
to take care of
to consider
to believe
to watch
to read
to check
to find out
to judge
to bring up opinions
to keep an eye on
to monitor
to pay a visit
to support
to cover up
to paint over
a parapet
to look askance
to leave (a message etc)
to retain
to stay
to remain
to keep
to preserve
to halt
to stop
to detain
to study abroad
to grow
to bequeath
to set aside
to take in
to ask someone to stay
to pay attention to
to concentrate on
modal particle ending sentence, showing affirmation
request for an answer or confirmation