How to pronounce 手術室 in Cantonese (4 out of 5):

換言之,不在手術室使用應沒有問題 可作防疫
In other words, it should be safe to use in the O.R. for the prevention of plague.

Cantonese Sentence Breakdown

換言之 wun6 yin4 ji3
in other words
不在 bat1 zoi6
not present
手術室 sau2 seot6 sat1
Operating room for surgery; operating theatre
使用 si2 jung6
to answer
in response to
to grant
to accept
to cope with
to handle
to suit
to confirm
to echo
a surname
沒有 mou5 jau5
問題 man6 tai4
可作 ho2 zou6
can be used
防疫 fong4 jik6
epidemic prevention