How to pronounce 找 in Cantonese (90 out of 298):

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來汕頭玩 深夜肚餓想東西吃的話
People who are hungry at night and want something to eat.

Cantonese Sentence Breakdown

to greet and welcome guests
汕頭 saan1 tau4
to play
to have fun
to trifle with
to amuse oneself
to have a good time
to not be serious
to be only joking
to play at
to do
to fool with
to mess around with someone
to be disrespectful
to treat someone as unimportant
深夜 sam1 je6
late at night
肚餓 tou5 ngo6
(adjective) hungry;
to think
to believe
to suppose
to wish
to want
to miss (feel wistful about the absence of sb or sth)
to plan
(verb) Search;
東西 dung1 sai1
east and west
to eat
to consume
to eat at (a cafeteria etc)
to eradicate
to destroy
to absorb
to suffer
的話 dik1 waa6
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