How to pronounce 漢江 in Cantonese (3 out of 3):

Previous Example Example 3 of 3
韓國進入高速經濟發展時期 亦即係外界所指嘅漢江奇蹟
South Korea has entered a period of rapid economic growth, known as the Hanjiang Miracle, which is known to the outside world.

Cantonese Sentence Breakdown

韓國 hon4 gwok3
South Korea
進入 zeon3 jap6
(phrasal verb) Get in
高速 gou1 cuk1
high speed
經濟發展 ging1 zai3 faat3 zin2
economic development
時期 si4 kei4
period of time
即係 zik1 hai6
(adverb) same as; exactly as; equivalent to; 'which means' or 'which is to say', usually used before explanations
外界 ngoi6 gaai3
the outside world
所指 so2 zi2
what is pointed at
to sigh (with emotion)
漢江 hon3 gong1
Han River
奇蹟 kei4 zik1
noun; miracle
Previous Example Example 3 of 3