Cantonese Sentence Breakdown
hey, an interjection to call for attention
to express one's dissatisfaction
to try and make a suggestion
to feed (an animal, baby, invalid etc)
you (informal, as opposed to courteous 您nín [您])
can be used to refer to an unspecified person
so (Cantonese)
Mandarin equivalent: 这样zhèyàng [这样], like this
to regard as
to figure
to calculate
to compute
to count
to plan
to guess
to suppose
to reckon
to include
to count in
to consider
to matter
let it be
that's enough
at long last
“now”, with an connotation of doubt
to like
to love
to be fond of
to be liable to
to be likely to
used in transliteration, such as in 'lama'