Cantonese Sentence Breakdown
(modal particle intensifying preceding clause)
(completed action marker)
to finish
to end
to settle
a final particle indicating change of situation to understand
a verb particle indicating possibility
to put in
to take away
to escape
flee in secret
to shout
to call
to order
to ask
to be called
by (indicates agent in the passive mood)
to cry
to hail
to greet
to cause
sb of a certain type
a capable individual
only then
just now
a surname
an alternative to the word麼, a final interrogative particle
to think
to believe
to suppose
to wish
to want
to miss (feel wistful about the absence of sb or sth)
to plan
to eat
to consume
to eat at (a cafeteria etc)
to eradicate
to destroy
to absorb
to suffer