Cantonese Sentence Breakdown
to sigh (with emotion)
to tear open
to tear down
to tear apart
to open
to break up
to split apart
to rip open
to dismantle
to demolish
to unwrap
to figure out
to solve problems
to discuss
to talk over a problem
to negotiate
to fall or drop
(of the sun) to set
(of a tide) to go out
to lower
to decline or sink
to lag or fall behind
to fall onto
to rest with
to get or receive
to write down
to deliver
to put in
to leave
to part from
to be away from
(in giving distances) from
without (sth)
independent of
one of the Eight Trigrams 八卦bāguà [八卦], symbolizing fire
to separate
to go away from
to dispense with
to go without
to go against
to not have (Cantonese)
Mandarin equivalent: 没有méiyǒu [没有]
so (Cantonese)
Mandarin equivalent: 这样zhèyàng [这样], like this
obstruction; in one's way (spoken)