How to pronounce 監牢 in Cantonese (3 out of 6):

Putting black people in jail.

Cantonese Sentence Breakdown

a military commander
a general officer
to command
黑人 hak1 jan4
black person
to deliver
to carry
to give (as a present)
to present (with)
to see off
to send
to dispatch
to accompany
escort somone to
to take or drive someone to
to lose
to waste
to give one's blessings
to express one's feeling to someone else
drink etc) to accompany something else
to enter
to go into
to join
to become a member of
to confirm or agree with
abbr. for 入声rùshēng [入声]
to receive
to sink
harmonize with
to arrive at
to put in
監牢 gaam1 lou4