How to pronounce 短倉 in Cantonese (3 out of 3):

Previous Example Example 3 of 3
因爲對沖基金可以利用長倉 短倉
Because the OFC can use the long-term, short-term, long-term.

Cantonese Sentence Breakdown

因爲 jan1 wai6
對沖 deoi3 cung1
基金 gei1 gam1
(noun) (in stock market) 1. trust fund; (of charity) 2. foundation
可以 ho2 ji5
(adjective) so so
利用 lei6 jung6
to utilize
長倉 coeng4 cong1
long term shares [written and colloquial]
短倉 dyun2 cong1
to hold shares for a short period only [colloquial]
Previous Example Example 3 of 3