How to pronounce 綠樹成蔭 in Cantonese (2 out of 3):

And they climbed the mountain along the green paths.

Cantonese Sentence Breakdown

沿 yun4
to live
to dwell
to stay
to reside
to stop
(suffix indicating firmness, steadiness, or coming to a halt)
used after a verb to indicate a continuous state or an action which has not been completed yet
used between two verbs to indicate the two actions being performed simultaneously
used after a verb to indicate the action is temporary, similar to adding 'for now' or 'yet' after a verb
綠樹成蔭 luk6 syu6 sing4 jam2
shady trees due to green trees
to sigh (with emotion)
行山徑 haang4 saan1 ging3
Hiking trails
上山 soeng5 saan1
(euphemism) Chinese funeral procession