How to pronounce 老母 in Cantonese (5 out of 21):

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說開泡打粉 就要說它老母
And when you say "pollinate" you mean "pollinate", you mean "pollinate".

Cantonese Sentence Breakdown

說開 syut3 hoi1
speaking of; when it comes to; talking about
泡打粉 pou5 daa2 fan2
baking powder
就要 zau6 jiu3
about to
to speak
to say
to explain
to scold
to tell off
a theory (usually in compounds such as 日心说 heliocentric theory)
to criticize
to try to influence someone to do something
to mean
used as a meaningless mock object
老母 lou5 mou2
(n.) Mother (often used in an offensive manner when swearing at someone).
(modal particle intensifying preceding clause)
(completed action marker)
to finish
to end
to settle
a final particle indicating change of situation to understand
a verb particle indicating possibility
to put in
to take away
to escape
flee in secret
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