How to pronounce 贏 in Cantonese (79 out of 212):

Previous Example Example 79 of 212 Next Example
It's better to turn around and win the finish line.

Cantonese Sentence Breakdown

不如 bat1 jyu4
not as good as
to (a place)
until (a time)
up to
to go
to arrive
(verb complement denoting completion or result of an action)
been to
a particle used after a verb or adjective to indicate degree
翻轉 faan1 zyun3
flip over
to do
to make
to produce
to write
to compose
to act as
to engage in
to hold (a party)
to be
to become
to function (in some capacity)
to serve as
to be used for
to form (a bond or relationship)
to pretend
to feign
to act a part
to put on appearance
to fight
to kill
to trick
to have sex
to beat
to win
to profit
(located) at
(to be) in
to exist
in the middle of doing sth
(indicating an action in progress)
to depend on
to rest with
to be alive
終點線 zung1 dim2 sin3
finish line
好過 hou2 gwo3
better than
Previous Example Example 79 of 212 Next Example