How to pronounce 遠離 in Cantonese (2 out of 7):

And maybe in Southern Europe, they're more likely to stay away from politics.

Cantonese Sentence Breakdown

而是 ji4 si6
but is
可能 ho2 nang4
(modal verb) can
(located) at
(to be) in
to exist
in the middle of doing sth
(indicating an action in progress)
to depend on
to rest with
to be alive
南歐 naam4 au1
Southern Europe
比較 bei2 gaau3
to think
to believe
to suppose
to wish
to want
to miss (feel wistful about the absence of sb or sth)
to plan
遠離 jyun5 lei4
stay away from
政治 zing3 zi6