How to pronounce 鐵塔 in Cantonese (1 out of 2):

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Cantonese Sentence Breakdown

you (informal, as opposed to courteous 您nín [您])
can be used to refer to an unspecified person
鐘意 zung1 ji3
嘅話 ge3 waa2
as said
可以 ho2 ji5
(adjective) so so
to go
to go to (a place)
to cause to go or send (sb)
(when used either before or after a verb) to go in order to do sth
to be apart from in space or time
(after a verb of motion indicates movement away from the speaker)
(used after certain verbs to indicate detachment or separation)
(of a time or an event etc) just passed or elapsed
to look down upon (classical)
to see
to look at (Cantonese)
Mandarin equivalent: 看kàn [看]
to glance at
to stare at
to look after
to take care of
to consider
to believe
to watch
to read
to check
to find out
to judge
to bring up opinions
to keep an eye on
to monitor
to pay a visit
to support
鐵塔 tit3 taap3
iron tower
to sigh (with emotion)
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