How to pronounce 雷曼 in Cantonese (3 out of 5):

雷曼爆雷 當時有機會令到整個金融系統癱瘓
Rayman had a chance to blow up the entire financial system.

Cantonese Sentence Breakdown

雷曼 leoi4 maan6
Lehman (as in Lehman Brothers)
爆雷 baau3 leoi4
reveal a plot twist
spoil (a story)
當時 dong1 si4
back then
有機會 yau5 gei1 wui6
have a chance
令到 ling6 dou3
cause one to
整個 zing2 go3
金融系統 gam1 jung4 hai6 tung3
financial system
癱瘓 tin1 laan4