How to pronounce 頂 in Cantonese (113 out of 136):

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Cantonese Sentence Breakdown

而家 ji4 gaa1
(adverb) right now; now; this moment
to show
to appear
to become visible
to manifest
to carry on the head
to push to the top
to go against
to replace
to substitute
to be subjected to (an aerial bombing, hailstorm etc)
(slang) to "bump" a forum thread to raise its profile
a type of hat worn by officials in the past indicative of their rank
to prop up
to set against
to take over
to push from below or behind
to retort
to answer back
to withstand
to stand up to
to be equal to
to bear
to endure
to put up with
to screw (have sex with)
to get high on drugs or alcohol
an exclamation used by gamblers when they are wishing for something they want when gambling
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