How to pronounce 食飯 in Cantonese (77 out of 108):

Previous Example Example 77 of 108 Next Example
You can play for half a day on the street!

Cantonese Sentence Breakdown

行街 haang4 gaai1
(verb) to go out (to town); to go shopping; to walk around (in town); to take away (food)
to add
(used after an adverb such as 不, 大, 稍 etc, and before a disyllabic verb, to indicate that the action of the verb is applied to sth or sb previously mentioned)
to apply (restrictions etc) to (sb)
to give (support, consideration etc) to (sth)
to increase
to augment
to append
食飯 sik6 faan6
to have a meal
可以 ho2 ji5
(adjective) so so
to play
to have fun
to trifle with
to amuse oneself
to have a good time
to not be serious
to be only joking
to play at
to do
to fool with
to mess around with someone
to be disrespectful
to treat someone as unimportant
to (a place)
until (a time)
up to
to go
to arrive
(verb complement denoting completion or result of an action)
been to
a particle used after a verb or adjective to indicate degree
半日 bun3 jat6
half a day
to support
classifier for planes, large vehicles, radios etc
to prop up
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