How to pronounce 馬 in Cantonese (136 out of 342):

Previous Example Example 136 of 342 Next Example
Hey, Maeda is out.

Cantonese Sentence Breakdown

噔噔 ding1 ding1
horse M: 匹pǐ [匹]
horse or cavalry piece in Chinese chess
knight in Western chess
a surname
KangXi radicial 187
a subordinate
a prostitute
a follower in a triad gang
a motor bike
farm M: 片piàn [片]
a surname
a Kangxi radical 102
to farm
to hunt
出來 ceot1 loi4
come out
(modal particle intensifying preceding clause)
(completed action marker)
to finish
to end
to settle
a final particle indicating change of situation to understand
a verb particle indicating possibility
to put in
to take away
to escape
flee in secret
Previous Example Example 136 of 342 Next Example