How to pronounce 點會 in Cantonese (49 out of 49):

Previous Example Example 49 of 49
How would a man look like a woman?

Cantonese Sentence Breakdown

好地地 hou2 dei6 dei6
adverb) all are fine, good condition, usually used in a way such to reflect an unwarranted siuation (or something that is out of the blue), such as in the example: "Everything is fine, but all the suddenly why … (situation changed)"
一個 jat1 go3
a; one
男人 naam4 jan4
點會 dim2 wui5
how come
seems as if
rather like
Taiwan pr. [sìde]
to resemble
女人 neoi5 jan4
(noun) 1. female; 2. woman; 3. lady
(particle equivalent to 啊 after a vowel, expressing surprise or doubt)
Previous Example Example 49 of 49