
By 羅文

無言輕倚窗邊 凝望雨勢急也亂
似個瘋漢 滿肚鬱結 怒罵着厭倦
徐徐呼出煙圈 回望以往的片段
幾許風雨 我也經過 屹立到目前
一生之中誰沒痛苦 得失少不免
看透世態每種風雨 披身打我面
身處高峯 嚐盡雨絲 輕風的加冕
偶爾碰上了急風 步伐末凌亂
心底之中知分寸 得失差一線
披荊斬棘的挑戰 光輝不眷戀
悠然想起當天 無盡冷眼加嘴臉
正似風雨 每每改變 現實盡體驗
無求一生光輝 唯望抖志不會斷
見慣風雨 見慣改變 盡視作自然
悠然推窗觀天 雲漸散去星再現
雨線飄斷 似我的臉 熱淚聚滿面
然而不死春天 全賴暖意不間斷
似你的臉 叫我温暖 伴着我步前
About This Song

The song "" by encapsulates the profound essence of resilience in the face of life's tumultuous challenges. The lyrics evoke a deep emotional core, reflecting on experiences of pain, endurance, and the inevitable changes brought forth by time, akin to passing storms. The imagery of rain and wind serves as a metaphor for life's adversities, suggesting that despite these trials, one can emerge stronger and more resolute. The emotional undertone combines a touch of melancholy with an empowering resolve, allowing listeners to resonate with the shared human experience of suffering and perseverance.

The narrative woven throughout the song conveys a story of introspection and retrospection, as the protagonist acknowledges past struggles and their impact on personal growth. The juxtaposition of the ferocity of the 'storm' with the calmness of acceptance illustrates a journey from chaos to clarity. Lines that mention the inevitability of suffering and the transient nature of hardship reinforce the message that lifes challenges are not just obstacles but also opportunities for insight and strength.

Musically, employs a harmonious blend of traditional and contemporary elements that enhance the lyrical depth. The subtle yet poignant arrangement allows the poignant lyrics to shine through, with haunting melodies accentuating the emotional weight of the words. Notable lyrical techniques, such as vivid imagery and metaphor, contribute to a layered listening experience; the use of smoke rings and weather patterns not only grounds the themes in relatable visuals but also evokes a sensory connection that immerses the listener in the narrative.

Culturally, "" resonates with the philosophy often found in Chinese art and literature, where nature serves as a backdrop to human emotions and experiences. The concept of enduring storms is a common motif, symbolizing the transient nature of life and the cyclical rhythm of joy and sorrow. Through this song, contributes to a rich tradition that celebrates resilience, thereby offering a comforting reminder that like the seasons, humanity must embrace both the storms of sorrow and the warm sunshine of hope.