
By 鍾舒漫

一次震盪 河山也碰撞
劇震中哭泣的我 怎去躲藏
深切渴望 燃起你盼望
讓每顆心都禱告 祝你最後平安
途程或遠卻不離 這一個地球
同一個夢想 願得眷佑
同一個禱告 拆掉鴻溝
願我的一點愛 可結集成裘
同一個夢想 願得眷佑
同一個禱告 拆掉鴻溝
願我主的真愛 彰顯得通透
途程或遠卻不離 這一個地球
同一個夢想 願得眷佑
同一個禱告 拆掉鴻溝
願我的一點愛 可結集成裘
同一個夢想 願得眷佑
同一個禱告 拆掉鴻溝
願我主的真愛 彰顯得通透
同一個夢想 願得眷佑
同一個禱告 拆掉鴻溝
願我的一點愛 可結集成裘
同一個夢想 願得眷佑
同一個禱告 拆掉鴻溝
願我主的真愛 彰顯得通透
願你也找得到 這希望源頭
About This Song

The song "" ("The Same Dream") by encapsulates a powerful theme of unity and hope amidst adversity. At its emotional core, the song captures the pain and struggles faced by individuals in the wake of disaster or oppression, while simultaneously igniting a longing for solace and renewal. The lyrics express the heart-wrenching reality of those affected, emphasizing the universal desire for safety, healing, and shared dreams that transcend borders and backgrounds.

The narrative unfolds as the artist calls for collective strength and a shared vision for a better future. Lines such as ", " ("The same dream, may it be blessed") serve as a poignant reminder of the communal bonds that tie us together, encouraging listeners to persevere through their personal and collective struggles. The repeated calls for prayer and love highlight the transformative power of compassion and community, suggesting that through shared dreams and heartfelt connections, people can find refuge and support even in the toughest times.

Musically, the song is characterized by a rich and emotional soundscape that complements its lyrical depth. Tension and release are effectively used in the arrangement, mirroring the lyrical themes of turmoil and eventual peace. Notable lyrical techniques include the use of vivid imagery and emotional expressions, such as "" ("Children must stand strong to win"), which evokes a sense of empowerment and resilience. The repetitive structure of the phrases reinforces key messages, creating a mantra-like quality that instills hope and determination.

Culturally, "" holds significance in its emphasis on shared human experiences, particularly in the context of socio-political struggles common in many societies. The song acts as a bridge connecting individuals through empathy and mutual understanding, resonating especially with those affected by conflict or hardship. In an increasingly fragmented world, the message of collaboration and healing takes on an urgent relevance, making this song a heartfelt anthem for anyone striving for peace and solidarity.