
By 鄭中基

我間中飲醉酒 很喜歡自由
常犯錯愛説謊 但總會內疚
遇過很多的損友 學到貪新厭舊
怕結婚只會守 三分鐘諾言
曾話過要戒煙 但講了就算
夢與想丟低很遠 但對返工厭倦
但是仍 (在地球) 唯獨你愛我這廢人
為何還喜歡我 我這種無賴
在座每位都將我踩 口碑有多壞
何必跟我 我這種無賴
但是你死都不變心 跟我笑着捱
就算壞 我也不忍心 (偷偷作怪)
沒有根的野草 飄忽的命途
誰像你當我寶 什麼也做到
舊愛數足一匹布 在這刻寫句號
還喜歡我 我這種無賴
在座每位都將我踩 口碑有多壞
何必跟我 我這種無賴
但是你死都不變心 跟我拼命捱
換轉別個 也不忍心 偷偷作怪
About This Song

The song "" ("Wulai" or "Rascal") by (Eric Cheng) delves into themes of love, imperfection, and redemption. At its emotional core, it explores the complexities of relationships amidst personal shortcomings. The protagonist presents himself as a reckless individual riddled with faultshe drinks, lies, and struggles with commitment. Yet, despite this self-deprecating view, he finds solace in a partner who chooses to love him unconditionally, highlighting the resilience of love in the face of adversity and poor character traits.

The narrative conveys a poignant story about acceptance and loyalty. Throughout the lyrics, the protagonist grapples with feelings of guilt and inadequacy, acknowledging his failures while simultaneously recognizing the unwavering support from his partner. The phrase "" ("Why do you still love me") echoes a sense of disbelief, indicating a disparity between his view of himself and the affection he receives. This duality enriches the lyrical content, drawing listeners into a relationship that thrives on vulnerability yet is challenged by external judgments and societal norms regarding success and conduct.

Musically, the song employs a blend of pop and rock elements, featuring a catchy melody juxtaposed with raw, honest lyrics that resonate with listeners emotionally. The use of simple yet impactful phrases, combined with repetitive choruses, enhances the accessibility of its themes. The song's structure allows for a build-up of intensity as the protagonist acknowledges his flaws while simultaneously celebrating the steadfast nature of his partners love. Lyrically, the combination of colloquial expressions and metaphorical language invites listeners to connect with both the humor and sincerity woven throughout the song.

Culturally, "" addresses the concepts of masculinity and vulnerability within the context of Chinese society. The protagonist's admission of his flaws and the depiction of emotional dependency challenge traditional male archetypes typically celebrated in pop culture. This genuine portrayal of a less-than-perfect individual seeking love resonates with a broader audience, emphasizing that love can transcend societal expectations and highlight the beauty found in imperfection. As such, the song has gained significance not only as a melodic piece but also as a commentary on the human experience in modern relationships.