
By 雷琛瑜

微微合上眼 太陽盛放的暖光
柔柔像要呼喚我 有些東西不要躲
抱擁光的我 抬頭呼喊我願望
從前立志向 翅膀共有千百雙
殘存在這生活裏 一千對再也不會響
仍然毋忘記 還留一對會不死
幾多次想過放棄 幾多次傷痛仍不理
似紙飛機 要一試飛翔滋味
天真我所以放肆 怎麼錯不過錯一次
就算勸告未歇止 日記載滿夢想字
勇敢出走 在懸崖化做天使
祈求別怪我 眼神任性得過火
逃離靜態市中心 今天我再也不會等
如何疲勞過 仍然不悔去一闖
幾多次想過放棄 幾多次傷痛仍不理
似紙飛機 要一試飛翔滋味
天真我所以放肆 怎麼錯不過錯一次
就算勸告未歇止 日記載滿夢想字
勇敢出走 在懸崖化做天使
如果 能爭取爭取到底
天空會給我意志 驚險也必要嘗一次
趁這青春 要擁抱心儀的事
花光我一切勇氣 不必怕這橫蠻天氣
讓我有過樂與悲 掠過每個目的地
你將 在某天 涯盡處
無憾地放縱 笑容面向千里風
About This Song

The song "" ("First Choice") by (Ray Chan Yu) encapsulates a powerful theme of aspiration and personal growth. At its emotional core, the song expresses a yearning to break free from the constraints of daily life and embrace ones dreams. The imagery of wings and flight symbolizes the desire for liberation and the pursuit of one's true self, resonating deeply with listeners who grapple with their own ambitions and the challenges that accompany them.

The narrative unfolds as a reflective journey, wherein the protagonist contemplates resilience amidst struggles and the pain that often accompanies the pursuit of dreams. The metaphor of a paper airplane signifies both fragility and adventure, highlighting the delicate balance between hope and the reality of setbacks. Throughout the lyrics, the idea of stepping into the unknown is celebrated, urging listeners to embrace uncertainty in their quest for fulfillment, thereby transforming pain into purpose.

Musically, the song utilizes a blend of contemporary pop melodies and traditional instrumental textures, creating an uplifting soundscape that complements its inspiring message. Lyrically, employs vivid imagery and metaphors, leading the audience through a kaleidoscope of emotionsjoy, despair, determination, and ultimately, liberation. The recurring motif of wings serves not only as a symbol of flight but also as a reminder of the potential to rise above lifes challenges.

Culturally, the song resonates with a generation that increasingly values self-actualization and personal expression. In a society where individual aspirations can often be stifled by expectations, "" inspires listeners to redefine success on their own terms. By encouraging the pursuit of ones "first choice"be it dreams, passions, or identityit represents a departure from traditional norms, making it a poignant anthem for youth seeking to carve their own paths in life.