
By Cookies

同年紀 成為無悔知己
無條件 我錯有你肯包庇
白日夢發過多少遍 班房就是場地
垂頭哭 要抱我也不丟臉
答應我永遠開心 怎麼都不要食言
翻開紀念冊 留低真摯贈言
無論冷 還是暖 無論近 還是遠
你要堅守不失 是信念
翻開紀念冊 (一本紀念冊)
無論你 還是我 曾做對 還是錯
有了今天基礎 向光輝處直往
About This Song

The song "" (Shallow Eyes) by Cookies delves into the complex themes of friendship, loyalty, and the bittersweet experience of growing up. At its emotional core, the track reflects the innocence of youthful bonds that evolve into profound connections, emphasizing the uniqueness of relationships formed during formative years. The lyrics reveal a heartfelt plea for unwavering support and the promise of happiness, encapsulating the vulnerability and sincerity often found in deep friendships.