
By 衞蘭

豁出去漫遊 不通知親友
那快感少有 哪管想去多久
抱得你未夠 於這裏悶透
才誓死跟你 逛盡地球
何必每件壯舉都需要理由 伴你去出走
快活而內疚 不管舉世追究
願扣上你雙手 自繁華浪處到沙丘
戀愛 能有幸這樣放肆至足夠
別再管誰咒你 曾經荒謬闖蕩異地
想早晚能見你 曾經反叛也是我運氣
天與地 年老了不再飛 無那份勇氣
怕一世未能 沙礫中擁吻
有了你先有 這最悽美質感
縱使有地震 不因我犯禁
誰話你壞人 不減吸引
明知我做錯過的總要奉還 但我愛一眼
有自由浩嘆 都深刻過不散
讓你我似走犯 在窮途入教堂進諫
上帝 求你讓我共愛侶過更多晚
代價高仍愛你 曾經荒謬闖蕩異地
想早晚能見你 曾經反叛也是我運氣
天與地 逃過約束拋開生死
這樣也許了不起 但有一日轟烈乏味
瘋過後能放棄 回家安樂過亦有運氣
不顧忌 才瞭解喜與悲 能以後銘記
人有天總怕死 才註定別離
About This Song

"" by (Wei Lan) is a poignant exploration of love, rebellion, and the bittersweet nature of freedom. At its emotional core, the song captures the thrill of escaping reality alongside a loved one, while simultaneously grappling with the inevitable guilt and consequences that accompany such audacious acts. The protagonist expresses a desire to break free from societal expectations, choosing instead to revel in the exhilaration of adventure, even if it means leaving loved ones behind with no explanation.

The narrative of the song unfolds like a confessional diary, illustrating a tumultuous romance marked by both joy and sorrow. The lyrics convey a deeper story about two lovers journeying through a world that often feels confining, with the desire to distance themselves from prying eyes and judgment. As they traverse various landscapesfrom bustling cities to tranquil sand dunestheir love becomes a refuge, providing solace amidst the complexities of life. The recurring refrain about love being rebellious yet lucky emphasizes the dichotomy of embracing passion while grappling with the potential repercussions of their choices.

Musically, the song blends soothing melodies with dynamic instrumentation that mirrors the emotional highs and lows of the narrative. Lyrically, Wei Lan employs evocative imagery and metaphors to paint vivid pictures of love's journey, using contrasts such as 'chaos and tranquility' and 'thrill and regret' to enhance the listening experience. The repetition of certain phrases throughout the song enhances its anthemic quality, making the listener reflect on their own experiences with love and freedom, while also allowing for a sense of universality.

In terms of cultural significance, "" captures a sentiment that resonates deeply in contemporary society the struggle between personal desires and social norms. In many cultures, particularly in Asian societies where familial expectations can be quite strong, the song's themes of defiance in love and the quest for autonomy speak volumes. The metaphorical act of running away from home embodies not only the literal sense of escapism but also the inner desire for self-discovery and authenticity, making this song a compelling representation of modern love's complex landscape.