
By 吳雨霏

還未戒掉 他留下給我 那動魄驚心
寧為他跌進紅塵 做個有痛覺的人
為那春色般眼神 願意比枯草敏感
還未放下 只能拾起 領教我的貪痴
明白醒覺有定時 但放肆夠也不遲
在我昇仙得救前 糊塗一次
心灰了還未碎 心死了還在醉
不可以沉下去 總可以迷下去
虔誠地去犯錯 良心 跳得清脆
還未瞑目 只能望穿我 那固執的心
遲或早變過路人 為了好客太傷神
但我洶湧得過份 仍然興奮
心灰了還未碎 心死了還在醉
不可以沉下去 總可以迷下去
虔誠地去犯錯 良心 跳得清脆
心灰了還未碎 心死了還在醉
不可以沉下去 總可以迷下去
回頭就算認錯 還好 錯得很對
About This Song

The song "" (translated as "Humans Are Not Grass and Wood") by (Wang Yu-fei) delves deeply into the emotional complexities of love and loss. At its core, the song captures the feelings of attachment and heartache that accompany romantic relationships. The title itself suggests a poignant reminder that humans, unlike inanimate objects, possess the capacity to feel pain and yearning. Throughout the lyrics, the listener is invited to experience a range of emotions from longing and nostalgia to a sense of resilience and awakening.

The narrative unfolds as the singer expresses the struggle of letting go after a significant relationship. The lyrics reflect a heartfelt confession that while she recognizes her pain, she clings to the memories and the lessons learned from her experiences. Phrases such as "" ("Heart has grown weary but not yet shattered") encapsulate the dichotomy of feeling emotionally drained but still holding onto hope and vibrancy. This theme resonates universally as many individuals grapple with the complexities of moving on while still desiring to feel deeply.

Musically, the song blends emotive melodies with contemporary rhythms, enhancing its lyrical content. The use of metaphor, like comparing the eyes of a loved one to the 'spring colors' and balancing the imagery of fragility against sensitivity, creates a rich tapestry of feelings. The repetition of certain phrases adds to the song's hypnotic quality, reinforcing the emotional weight of the lyrics. Furthermore, the juxtaposition of feelings like despair and ecstasy illustrates a passionate internal conflict, effectively drawing listeners into the artist's profound emotional landscape.

Culturally, the song taps into the shared experience of heartbreak prevalent in both Western and Eastern societies. It highlights a common aspect of human existence: the struggle with vulnerability in romantic relationships. In the context of Chinese culture, where emotional expression can sometimes be understated, this bold exploration of feelings surrounding love and loss resonates deeply. It highlights the importance of acknowledging one's emotions and the cyclical nature of relationships, ultimately suggesting that every experience, good or bad, contributes to personal growth.