How to pronounce 圖表 in Cantonese (1 out of 8):

Example 1 of 8 Next Example
廢青已經擺低咗圖表N年 已經唔會再睇什麼技術分析
The waste is already on the N-year chart, and we're not going to see any more technical analysis.

Cantonese Sentence Breakdown

廢青 fai3 cing1
young and useless
已經 ji5 ging1
擺低 baai2 dai1
put down
Cantonese particle equivalent to 了le [了] or 过guò [过], a particle used to indicate perfective aspect for continuous state
completed actions
past events
change of situation
圖表 tou4 biu2
(noun) Table
唔會 m4 wui2
would not; not possible
再睇 zoi3 tai2
look again
什麼 sam6 mo1
技術 gei6 seot6
分析 fan1 sik1