How to pronounce 從容 in Cantonese (1 out of 1):

Example 1 of 1
坐返低, 面不改容, 談吐從容
I sat down, I didn't change my face, I talked about it.

Cantonese Sentence Breakdown

to sit
to take a seat
to take (a bus, airplane etc)
to bear fruit
variant of 座zuò [座]
a seat
for a building to have its back towards
to put something on a fire
to be sentenced
to return (to)
to revert to
to restore
to go back
to come back
面不改容 min6 bat1 goi2 jung4
one's face remains calm during a crisis (idiom)
談吐 taam4 tou3
elegance of speech
從容 cung4 jung4
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