How to pronounce 自然風光 in Cantonese (1 out of 2):

Nokia3.4 機身顏色受北歐自然風光啟發
The Nokia 3.4 body color is inspired by the natural winds of northern Europe.

Cantonese Sentence Breakdown

機身 gei1 san1
顏色 ngaan4 sik1
(slang) someone's ability or captivity
to receive
to accept
to suffer
subjected to
to bear
to stand
(passive marker)
to endure
to receive a prison sentence
北歐 bak1 au1
Northern Europe
自然風光 zi6 jin4 fung1 gwong1
natural scenery
to open
to start
to initiate
to enlighten or awaken
to state
to inform
to begin
to inspire
to declare
to send out
to show (one's feeling)
to issue
to develop
to make a bundle of money
classifier for gunshots (rounds)
to emit
to dispatch
to launch
to generate
to transmit
to produce
to trigger off
to expose
to discover
to prosper
to turn into