How to pronounce 那兒 in Cantonese (1 out of 3):

Example 1 of 3 Next Example
(即是去海灘那兒 …) (Go to the beach ....)
(That's going to the beach...) (Go to the beach...)

Cantonese Sentence Breakdown

即是 zik1 si6
that is
to go
to go to (a place)
to cause to go or send (sb)
(when used either before or after a verb) to go in order to do sth
to be apart from in space or time
(after a verb of motion indicates movement away from the speaker)
(used after certain verbs to indicate detachment or separation)
(of a time or an event etc) just passed or elapsed
海灘 hoi2 taan1
那兒 naa5 ji5