How to pronounce 陽澄湖 in Cantonese (1 out of 1):

Example 1 of 1
Of course, this can't be the Yangtze Lake Dam.

Cantonese Sentence Breakdown

當然 dong1 jin4
(adverb) absolutely
(modal particle intensifying preceding clause)
(completed action marker)
to finish
to end
to settle
a final particle indicating change of situation to understand
a verb particle indicating possibility
to put in
to take away
to escape
flee in secret
這個 ze2 go3
this one
肯定 hang2 ding6
不可能 bat1 ho2 nang4
陽澄湖 joeng4 cing4 wu4
Yangcheng Lake, a place in Suzhou, China
大閘蟹 daai6 zaap6 haai5
Hairy crab; the Chinese mitten crab; to describe a situation where one has money tied up in shares that have made a big loss in the trading market
Example 1 of 1