How to pronounce 離家出走 in Cantonese (1 out of 9):

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佢太太抌低咗佢 同埋小朋友離家出走 至今下落不明

Cantonese Sentence Breakdown

it (Cantonese)
Mandarin equivalent: 他tā [他]
太太 taai3 taai2
wife; married woman
抌低 dam2 dai1
to give up and leave; to throw away; to put down something
Cantonese particle equivalent to 了le [了] or 过guò [过], a particle used to indicate perfective aspect for continuous state
completed actions
past events
change of situation
同埋 tung4 maai4
and; together with
小朋友 siu2 pang4 jau5
離家出走 lei4 gaa1 ceot1 zau2
leave home
至今 zi3 gam1
up to now
下落不明 haa6 lok6 bat1 ming4
whereabouts unknown