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Bathroom and toiletries 浴室同洗漱用品

English Cantonese (Yue)
toothpaste 牙膏 ngaa4 gou1
candle 蠟燭 laap6 zuk1
mirror geng3
comb 梳子 so1 zi2
toilet paper 廁紙 ci3 zi2
bath towel 浴巾 yuk6 gaan1
shower gel 沐浴露 muk6 juk6 lou6
toothbrush 牙刷 ngaa4 chaat3
shampoo 洗頭水 sai2 tau4 seoi2
towel 毛巾 mou4 gaan1
conditioner 護髮素 wu6 faat3 sou3
face cleanser 洗面乳
bath salts 浴鹽
plunger 通渠器
toilet brush 廁所刷
bath bomb 浴球
shower cap 沐浴帽
soap dish 肥皂盤
toothbrush holder 牙刷架
bathroom mat 浴室地墊
soap 肥皂
deodorant 體香劑
bath sponge 浴海綿
loofah 澡巾
shaving cream 剃鬚膏
nail clipper 指甲剪
razor 剃鬚刀
hairbrush 髮梳
floss 牙線
mouthwash 漱口水 sau3 hau2 seoi2