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Verbs of Motion 動詞(運動)

English Cantonese (Yue)
leap tik1
sink zam6
float fau4
dive 潛水 cim4 seoi2
swim 游泳 yau4 wing6
descend 下降 haa6 gong3
ascend 上升 soeng5 sing1
scale 攀登 paan1 dang1
climb paa4
bounce 彈跳 daan6 tiu3
walk hong6
jump tiu4
sprint 衝刺 cung1 ci3
run paau4
wander 遊蕩 yau4 dong6
march 行軍 hang4 gwan1
hop 單腳跳
jog 慢跑
dash 猛衝
stroll 閒逛